Translation of school, professional, university documents


More and more people decide to study, do an internship or work for a certain period of time in another country. So it is essential to have a valid certified translation of diplomas, certificates and school records validating the studies you have completed, as well as a quality translation of your covering letter and CV, which takes into account variations, format changes and the particularities of each country. Knowing the language is not enough, translators must know the educational systems of different countries, their formalities and the particularities of different labor markets, requirements that Valley Center translators perfectly meet.

We translate at the Valley Center translation offices documents of the following type:

  • CVs
  • high school diplomas
  • bachelor’s or master’s degrees
  • medical doctor degrees
  • PhD degrees
  • vocational school graduation diplomas
  • membership certificates of the College of Physicians
  • resident card
  • high school transcript
  • transcripts of the classes V-VIII
  • transcript of the classes I-IV
  • college transcript
  • college academic record
  • high school graduation certificate
  • school certificates
  • college certificates
  • vocational qualification certificates
  • end of degree projects
  • undergraduate theses
  • analyzes and studies
  • academic publications
  • academic papers
  • dissertations
  • professional certificates at vocational schools
  • language proficiency certificates
  • digital skills certificates
  • Cambridge, Toefl, Deutsches Sprachdiplom, Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera, Diplôme d’études en langue française language diplomas
  • school documents from abroad

In addition, if you are looking for an internship or a job in a foreign country, it is essential to have a CV and covering letter perfectly translated and culturally adapted to the labor market of the target country. Differences can be seen from country to country when writing and presenting a covering letter or CV in terms of the order in which information is presented, as well as length, content and style. If these are taken into account, it can be of great help when it comes to looking for a job or attending an interview.

We have developed a simple way for you to send us online your school documents to be translated. Fill in the form with all the requested information, attach the documents and you will have our offer by email in 30 minutes, along with the online payment method, directly from the invoice.